Sunday, April 21, 2013


Have you ever experienced these:
1) you are very tired and exhausted but not sleepy?
2) you are sleepy but you are not tired?
3) you are tired, feeling fatigue and yawning but not feeling sleep?

I am not having insomnia ... no no, I don't... I yawned...
It's 3.02 in the morning and I have to wake up at 5am for some charity work...
I am starting to have dizziness, headache, and... eyes are closing... (GOOD!!)

Alright everyone...
finally I can say...

OH, it's good morning to all of you,

and goodnight for me. 


LuPorTi said...

Me me! I think I have it once a week.

EeSoon said...

Oh dear... that's not good. You have insomnia!! oh no oh no...

EeSoon said...

come back to think of it...
I think you are just having stress... not insomnia... haha.

LuPorTi said...

Or, shall say, my stress causes insomnia?

EeSoon said...

that might be possible. :)