Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I want!!!

Sailormoon collection DVD!!!!!!! RM79.90 (available in POPULAR book store)

I want it!!!!!!! I want it so so so badly!!!!!!!!!!! Who want to sponsor??? My birthday is in May... too long to wait... I never get anything on last Christmas!!! ... but that was too long ago to present... How about as CNY gift? Anything la! I want!!!!!!!!!!!! .... I really really want it...... so badly...

5 in 1 = Sailormoon, Sailormoon R, Sailormoon S, Sailormoon Supers, Sailormoon Stars. only RM 79.90!!!!! Buy for me!!!!

I want it but I am too stingy to buy it by my own... sigh... Why am I so poor? Why ain't I a rich girl? Why I am not born with gold keys??

ah.... Sailormoon... I love the story very much! Especially when it shows the way they love each other, help each other, sacrifice for each other. I never get a chance to finish watching the whole series! So... I want the Sailormoon collection DVD!!! All the stories are in it!!! Buy for me la... please...

1 comment:

:: - LoLLy - :: said...

Still the same, you bring me to there and I present you. =)

Louu... Fang =)