Why I don't get any response from you??
Why why why??
Are you really that busy??
Or I am too free, nothing to do,
and then asking for replies frequently??
Did I?
Am I?
I am not sure...
2 sms sent from me since 9am till now,
one morning greeting and the other one
contain a question that requires simple answer...
that's all...
Too much from me...
I need reply la...
reply reply...
reply me laaa...... !!
why no response???
Want me to call on phone meh???
Who knows you might not convenient to talk?
I don't want to disturb you...
I don't want you to feel annoyed because of my call...
aiyoo... sms only ma.....
can u please reply me?

I assume no respond that means ..
u not interested to what I sent to you de la!
Then whatever I asked in the sms...
you don't need to bother lo... ?
Whatever... whatever...
don't bother...
don't need to bother...
No!!! Cannot don't bother !!!
I am crazy!! No!! Cannot!!

OOoiiii!!!! EeSoon!!!
Why are you irritating yourself here?
You want answer from him?
Just go and make that damn call la!!
Go!!! Shooo !!!
ohhh..not a good signal..
ee soon need to control ya.
past 2 week the same incident happen to me too. and i fail to control, so some one get hurt from me =(.
think positive way,maybe the person really busy or didn't notice of your sms ley.
Oh dear, don't read it so serious, this post is just to release my anxious here only my dear. I expose my negative feelings here, I won't expose to that person de. ^^
I keep on giving excuse to myself, maybe phone no battery la, busy working la, didn't see sms la, I thought a lot of excuses. And what I do is just wait for reply. I do nothing, just nag a bit while waiting lo. haha.
I won't "explode" and go to fire that person de. If not I already call the person instead of releasing my irritation here lo~
Thanks for leaving comment here, Forgot.
Hahaha forgot tan !! XD
Yes! She is here! Hehe~
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